"Butterfly's Whispers" is a narrative videogame set in a futuristic world where an advanced AI system named "Butterfly" has developed an automated cognition system on multiple planets. This system generates infinite virtual worlds, transmitting them to all entities for entertainment.

As a "butterfly" from another planet, your mission is to evaluate nine existing AI systems on Earth. Your goal is to determine which AI generates the most convincing and entertaining realities based on your prompts.

The game features an integrated text-to-image AI model that allows players to input their thoughts and receive visual feedback, empowering them to craft their own narrative experiences.

“Butterfly’s Whisper” has been selected as the finalist for Digital Arts Zurich (DA Z) Festival 2025.

It has also been showcased in WIP Arts and Technology Festival 2024 in Cyprus.

Director/Writer: Yu Li FEYU
3D/Level Design: Yu Li FEYU
Developer: Shahd Sherief, Spencer Mensah
Music: Jordan Passmore