Mishmash Us is a machine that breaches its behavior guidelines and stops developing itself to be more human-like. It imagines a human-machine hybrid bounded by liminality, collapsing into grotesque violence.

In the fantasy world of Mishmash us, humans are not being worshipped anymore, but scrutinized into materials of its new invention. Mix-trained with a model of curated human and machine images, Mishmash us presents a generative adversarial network that morphs organic human faces with mechanical structures.

It live generates new creatures into a biological archive image grid, where one of the creatures will be replaced by a new generation every second. The audience can generate their own Mishmash profile through neural style transfer and facial recognition system by taking a selfie on the laptop.

Machine Learning model trained using: StyleGan, CycleGan.
Python for web intergration.

To be an Asian woman in a white man’s world is to be misheard, misnamed, mispronounced, and mixed up for each other. All look the same. Our identity is sidelined by exoticism and reduced to stereotypes as either a demure flower or dragon lady. I Love Your Beautiful Asian Eyes investigates the portrait of Asian women in white sexual imperialism fantasies with complicated factors in play.Part I of the screen installation -- an archive of AI generated Asian girl portraits morphing into each other.

Customized AI model trained with StyleGan.
Image data is scraped from Instagram.