Ctrl + S is an AI short film delves into the fragile boundary between the real and the virtual, exploring the fate of unsaved game characters left behind in the DataRift—a space where time warps, memories distort, and the lines between existence and erasure blur.
It reflects on modern dependence on technology, exploring the existential anxiety of being discarded by systems that shape our world. In a space where even glitches carry meaning, the film invites the viewer to question: is there still significance in a forgotten life? And if no one remembers, can you still feel real?
Official Selection of A Shaded View of Fashion Film (ASVOFF 16) and AI Artist 2024.
Mishmash Us is a machine that breaches its behavior guidelines and stops developing itself to be more human-like. It imagines a human-machine hybrid bounded by liminality, collapsing into grotesque violence.
In the fantasy world of Mishmash us, humans are not being worshipped anymore, but scrutinized into materials of its new invention. Mix-trained with a model of curated human and machine images, Mishmash us presents a generative adversarial network that morphs organic human faces with mechanical structures.
It live generates new creatures into a biological archive image grid, where one of the creatures will be replaced by a new generation every second. The audience can generate their own Mishmash profile through neural style transfer and facial recognition system by taking a selfie on the laptop.
Machine Learning model trained using: StyleGan, CycleGan.
Python for web intergration.